Members of the Federation shall be user groups of the renewable and non-renewable natural resources in the Province of New Brunswick whose aims or objects are in agreement with those of the Federation.

Membership in the Federation is divided into Clubs and Individuals:

Club Members

Active membership includes provincial hunting and fishing clubs, associations or organizations whose objects are substantially in accord with those of the Federation and who have paid the required annual dues to the Federation.

These clubs are known as “Branches” within the Federation and new Branches must consist of 15 or more members who have paid dues of $3.00 per member to the Federation to a maximum of $400.00 per club. Proper application must be made to the Federation and for more information on becoming a “Branch” of the Federation please contact the Chairman of the Membership Committee as identified on this website.

Each Branch/Club is permitted one delegate who becomes a member of the Board of Directors of the Federation.

Each Branch/Club is also permitted to send three voting delegates to the Annual General Meeting of the Federation.

Each member of a Branch/Club that is affiliated with the Federation is automatically insured for $4000 of accidental death or disability insurance through AIL Insurance. There are other benefits available which can be explained by your Zone Vice – President.

Individual Members

There are various classifications of supporting members but we will only deal with Individual Membership in this section.

The NBWF is a volunteer, non-profit, non-government organization of hunters, anglers, trappers and conservationists dedicated to conservation and wise use of our natural resources. As the demand for a share of our fish and wildlife and other natural resources increases, we need a strong and united voice to advance our concerns.

The NBWF has existed since 1924. Your support is required to ensure that quality hunting, fishing and trapping exists for future generations. To join the NBWF as an individual member, please click link below and fill out the membership form.

Each individual member of the Federation is automatically insured for $4000 of accidental death or disability insurance through AIL Insurance. There are other benefits available which can be explained by any member of the Executive.

NBWF Membership

Click here for NBWF Membership Application Form