The New Brunswick Wildlife Federation (NBWF) is a provincial non-profit organization of hunters, anglers and shooters working for wildlife through branches and individual membership since 1924. Over the years, the Federation has represented the concerns of the outdoor sports person while addressing the problems facing our wildlife and its habitat. Some of our on-going projects include Adopt-A-Stream, Stream Enhancement, Outdoor Heritage Camps, Youth Education Programs on Waterfowl, Wetlands and Wildlife Management Master Angler Program and Becoming an Outdoors Woman (B.O.W.) Program.

We hold public meetings on wildlife management and conservation issues around the province. As well, we are asked by government and private corporations to sit on various advisory committees to speak on behalf of the hunters and anglers in the province.

The Federation has over 30 member branches throughout the Province, and approximately 4,000 members and countless supporters.

The New Brunwick Wildlife Federation will only remain a strong and forceful voice for wildlife conservation with the support of concerned New Brunswicker’s. The important aspect of membership is the combined strength it gives to the organization.

Each individual who withdraws, for whatever reason, weakens the whole structure. You must make the decision about how you can best contribute to wildlife conservation, alone or in company with other New Brunswicker’s. We urge you to join one of our branches located near you.